Holly Howard is the founder of Ask Holly How, a business consultancy in which she thoughtfully guides creative entrepreneurs by way of private consulting and catered program offerings. Michelle and I first met Holly while taking her Beyond the Feed: Post-Algorithmic Marketing for Growth course last fall, an invaluable experience which completely transformed our approach towards marketing from wholly avoidant to inspired. One conversation with Holly makes abundantly clear how absurd it is to adhere to any societal standards of a life well-lived. For Holly, a two-hour daily walk is both a pleasure and a necessity. For another, it may be agony. And that’s all okay.
I recently listened to a podcast episode which concluded an interview with baker Cheryl Day with the following reflection:
“We always talk about time well-spent as if time can be spent foolishly. But what if indeed you can’t spend time. Time is simply a way for humans to try to understand existence. In that case, every moment is, perhaps, infinite. And by living in the moment, you never really run out of time.”
Holly has undoubtedly spent time in such a way–an eager, infinite endeavor to understand her own self. Read below for our full interview with Holly. We hope you feel equally as inspired by our conversation as we did.
Holly and her mullet, The Excelsior. :)